We look forward to a safe, fun, and exciting summer. This summer your community is using Access Granted Systems to process pool applications.
How do I request or renew my membership pool passes?
Please click the apply online blue button.
How do I know I submitted my application correctly?
After submitting your online application, you will be directed to a “Success Page“.
You will also receive a confirmation email with an Application ID.
What is the pass policy?
All patrons must present their pass to the lifeguard daily. Everyone over the age of 3 in your household must show a pass.
Can I use my pool pass from last year?
Unfortunately, the program we purchased does not allow us to do this. All members living in your current household must have a 2025 pool pass. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Gleason @ 757-329-4713 OR Bonnie Todhunter @ 757-532-2323.
Can I bring guests?
Please refer to our website, runningmancommunity.org/pool-rules for specifics, but basically yes, depending on where your guest(s) live. However, Non-RM Annual Pool Pass patrons will be limited to the number of guests for the entire season. They may purchase a one-time 10 punch card for $50. Contact Bonnie Todhunter @757-532-2323 for more information.
Can I rent the pool?
You may only rent the pool if you are a RM resident pool member, (see website for more info, runningmancommunity.org/rental). This is NOT extended to the Non RM Annual Pool Pass patrons.