We look forward to a safe, fun, and exciting summer. This summer your community is using Access Granted Systems, LLC to generate pool passes for all patrons. All patrons must present their pool pass to gain entrance to the pool area.
How do I request my pool passes?
For quicker processing, apply online.
If you prefer, you may print and mail a paper application. Follow all instructions printed on the application.
How do I know I submitted my application correctly?
After submitting your online application, you will be directed to a “Success Page“. You will also receive a confirmation email.
When will I receive my electronic passes I can add to my Apple Wallet or Android Wallet App?
You’ll receive an email with your electronic passes AFTER your application has been approved.
How do I use electronic passes?
Please view our help article. CLICK HERE (opens in a new tab)
What is the pass policy?
All patrons must present their pass to the lifeguard daily.
What is the guest policy?
Guest must be accompanied by a resident.
Each unit will receive 2 guest passes that admit 1 guest each.
Units with 1 person will receive 3 guest passes.
How do I request extra guest passes?
Contact the Property Manager at 443-548-0191 x225 for extra passes and instruction on making arrangements for an additional life guard.
How do I request temporary passes?
Temporary passes: These may be requested by contacting the Felicia Shockley, the Property Manager at 443-548-0191 x225 or at fshockley@tidewaterproperty.com. Temporary passes should be requested not less than two business days prior to the day needed. The Board of Directors will be able to deliver Temporary Passes to you. If you give your pass to any other person, your pass will be revoked for the season.
What are the pool hours?
Weather permitting, the pool will be open every day through Labor Day weekend. The weekday schedule follows the county school schedule; if the school schedule changes, the pool schedule will change.
- The pool will be open from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Tuesdays it will be open from 1:00 am to 8:00 pm. Saturdays and Sundays the pool will be open from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm thru Labor Day.